Flexible, adaptable bodies
Personal contact • Fast deliveries • Scandinavian quality • Technology & Innovation
“The fact that LAXO is always sensitive to customers’ needs, receptive and flexible makes it a simple choice. If there is anything you want, it’s never more than a phone call away.”
Patrik Larsson
Ruddammens åkeri
»Our challenge is to build the world’s best bodies«
We meet our customers’ demands, we drive development in the industry, and we think outside the box. This has positioned us as one of the world’s foremost developers of bodies, load securing solutions, timber bolsters and other equipment for trucks.
Our bodies are made in Scandinavian quality and with leading-edge innovation. We have been a leading developer in the industry for the past 30 years.
»Service your vehicles with us and we can repair any damage directly«
Our truck bodies are designed to cope with the toughest challenges – so taking good care of them is vital. Regular servicing is crucial to keep a body running optimally for its whole service life.
With a LAXO truck body, you’re never far from an authorised service centre. We also have a fully equipped service vehicle, ready to respond for servicing and emergency repairs on site. This reduces operational stoppages, increases productivity, and gets your equipment started again as quickly as possible.
»Climate change affects us all«
As a technical manufacturing company, we do our utmost to stay on the leading edge when it comes to the climate, environment and sustainability. We strive constantly to reduce our negative impact on the world around us.
Competition in the transport sector is tough, and new developments are coming along all the time. We also know that for customers, environment, climate and sustainability are increasingly important areas. This is exactly where we want to position ourselves.